Jaipur Transport (Mandal Industries Private LIMITED) | |
City Name | Jaipur |
Service Category | Transporters/Truck Booking |
Contact Number | +91-6376976564 |
Whats App Number | +91-9608877131 |
Email Address | mandalindustries.in@gmail.com |
Address | Jaipur Transport, House No-398,Murlipura, Vishwakarma Industrial Area Road No. 5 |
PIN or Postal Code | 302013 |
Website | www.mandalindustries.com |
GST | 08AACCU2672F1ZC |
Service Specialist | Transport Services |
Mandal Industries are quite experienced and professional Multi Service Provider and Manfacturers offering World class services. We are highly experienced in Packing and moving, Car Carrier service, Transport services, Trailer Service, Crane service, Tender Service, Railway Transport.